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Old 04-10-2005, 10:26 PM
Sparks Sparks is offline
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Los Angeles
Posts: 33
Default There\'s No Crying In Poker

I saw something last night at my local B&M that I have never seen before. An abusive player made a dealer cry.

The player took a beat on a hand, and subsequently flipped a card across the table, which the dealer took exception to. They both raised their voices, and a floorman came over to settle them down. The player ended up leaving the game. Then while dealing the next hand, the dealer began to cry, and I mean she was bawling, tears running down her cheeks, short of breath, the whole thing. She couldn't even finish her down, and another dealer came in to replace her. Wow.

It got me thinking. There are not many professions where taking verbal abuse is part of the job. There is verbal abuse if you're a professional athlete, like a baseball player, or basketball player, or if you are a sports official, but I can't think of any others. Are there any?

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