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Old 12-14-2005, 07:26 PM
Georgia Avenue Georgia Avenue is offline
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Default Re: MySpace Opener Theory Discussion


this is close to my thinking about women. I bet the Good Doctor would approve as well, were he around. Thing is, I don't think women ACTUALLY think that you are solely interested in their brains...even dumb women are aware of what you want f'real. What they want is the game, the chase, where you try to win them by feats of wit/coolness. By tipping the balance, putting them on the defensive, as you've said, you haven't really tricked them into thinking that your some Awesome Superhero who hates p***y, but you have got them thinking about you as an equal, someone they have to respect. This does border on the whole "women like jerks" idea that I've disagreed with in the past...I think women just like confidence (like men for that matter, but we'll happily sleep with an self-conscious women...we'll just feel bad the next day!).

Anyway, great post. I agree with your strategy, but not your reasoning. Treat women like human beings...that is, socialized monkeys whose base instincts are usually disguised in psychological costumes as "reasons".

Wishing I was single so I could school all y'all in the art of seduction,

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