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Old 12-12-2005, 03:20 PM
jackdaniels jackdaniels is offline
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Default Re: Ace rag in the blinds - facing raise - line here?

You'd fold because you're looking to hit an Ace on the flop here and you risk domination.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, this was my thinking when I was deciding what to do. In fact, this is my general sense unless I am facing what is likely a steal raise. As to someone above that inquired about my post-flop play compared to original raiser: While I feel like I could run circles around both players after the flop, I would likely have to play this WA/WB if I did flop an Ace (because I knew what he is capable of raising with), therefore I opted to fold this.

I agree with the general consensus that a suited A leans more towards a call (still playing it WA/WB if all I get is an Ace on the flop) while an unsuited Ace (below AT) is prolly asking for trouble.
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