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Old 11-29-2005, 02:14 PM
Voltron87 Voltron87 is offline
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Default Re: Jeter or A-Rod to CF?

Am I the only one who doesn't hate the Giles deal as much as everyone else? Bernie and Brown are dropping off the payroll, and if they don't make any other big deals they won't have given up any prospects and won't spend that much this offseason. The team can afford it, they havent made any other big FA deals yet.

Giles is >> Sheffield in RF, no? It would also let us DH sheff which could be very helpful, since sheff is old and slightly creaky.

as for jeter in CF... who knows. what a mess that is. if they make that switch, who will play SS and 3rd? its not like jeter will be better in CF, seems like robbing peter to pay paul, it doesn't make that much sense unless we have another all star SS coming in... "LOL".
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