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Old 11-19-2005, 06:59 AM
PrayingMantis PrayingMantis is offline
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Default Re: Vatican Astronomer Debunks ID

More proof catholics are "less nuts".

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't understand this at all. If you accept this strange categorization of "very much nuts"-"nuts"-less nuts"-not nuts" etc, as you seem to do and very happily so, why not just try to stop being nuts altogether by quitting catholicism? This will clearly put you closer to a "no nuts" spot.

If you don't mind being "less nuts", rather than closer to "no nuts", there shouldn't be any difference between "very much nuts" and "less nuts", or between "completely crazy" and "only a bit crazy".

If I'm a catholic, or a believer in any other religion, I wouldn't give a damm about being "less nuts" or "more nuts", according to some completely irrelevant and imaginary scale.

Again, if you accept the existence of this "objective" scale then you should leave catholicism, otherwise you are very confused.

(A different perspective: it's very easy for any particular person to become "less nuts", by having a "less-nutty" personal opinion about the matter in question. I don't see how it has anything to do with what some dude in the vatican says. If you need some dude to say something in order for your religion to be "less nuts", this is completely nuts by itself. And if some more important catholic dude would say the opposite thing tomorrow? than you are "a bit more nuts" again? Do you see how crazy all this is? I'm sure you do.)
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