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Old 10-24-2005, 01:54 PM
HoldEmKillah HoldEmKillah is offline
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Posts: 11
Default Level 2 Ultrasound scheduled. Should I be concerned?

I'd like to hear from experts or those who have been there before. Today we just had the ultrasound and everything looked pefect with the exception of one thing. There was a tiny spot on the baby's heart. The woman giving the ultrasound (nurse?) said "I have to schedule you for a Level 2 ultrasound but it's probably nothing at all. The problem is these new pictures are so high resolution that we see EVERYTHING so it's likely nothing." She said it's usually a build up of calcium in the muscle of the heart and also used the word 'ecogenic' in there (or something close to that word). My wife asked if this has anything to do with down syndrome and she said yes but the possibility that something is wrong is very very slim. Ok fine. No worries yet then.

But then I went to work and my wife went upstairs to her monthly checkup and got the results for the Down Syndrome test she had taken a week or so ago. They said that the tests came back to her having a 1 in 3600 chance of her having a down syndrome baby but since the ultrasound had the spot on the heart it now increases those chances by 50% (meaning 1 in 1800). So now instead of going locally to get the Level 2, we have to go to BOSTON to have it done. Man. I don't like the sound of this at all.

Can someone tell me if I should be freaking out as much as my wife is right now? I'm really worried but much calmer than wy wife who called me in a sobbing panic.

Does anyone know anything else about this stuff? Is anyone out there an expert?

Thank you,
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