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Old 12-30-2005, 12:49 AM
Harv72b Harv72b is offline
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Default Re: I felt dirty...yet good

But seriously, this is almost always a big hand.

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No way. Not from someone with a VPIP of 50.

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A loose/passive is even more likely to attempt a LRR here with a big hand. Why? Because he sucks at poker.

Seriously, though, it could be BS (last night I had a guy who I'd seen PFR once in 50+ hands open from UTG with 36s against me, and ruin my day when he turned a straight vs. my TPTK), but in my experience almost every single time, especially vs. loose, bad players, it's legit. He saw the LRR on tv once and thought it looked cool, so now he does it every time he's got aces.

If we had a stronger hand than AJs with a BDFD I could see continuing, but as it is I just don't see the point when we're so rarely going to improve enough to beat a big hand, and even more rarely going to runner-runner our way into a hand we feel comfortable raising with (i.e., implied odds).
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