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Old 09-23-2005, 09:23 PM
Moneyline Moneyline is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2005
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Default Re: Answers

So they screw poeple over and people should find another spotsbook, but you are going to deal with them?

Again, for the rest of the people, I have been with them for years...never a single glitch..flawless. I would never consider another sportsbook, but I guess that's just me (and everyone I know who bets football for more than average money).

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I'm going to give them action because I know Paradise's arm of their business is going to back me up if they try to screw me on the chipset. I figure the chance of pulling something like this is greater than 10%. Also, I plan on betting only $10 a game, so I think there's a good chance I'll fly under their radar. No way I would put down serious money there.

No offense, but I suspect you drop a lot of money at Those "free" goodies they're sending you aren't free. has a long history of trying to weasel their way out of paying sharp bettors, and even squares run into trouble there as the book has a history of voiding longshot wins. It's no mistake that rates them a D+

PS: If you're betting "more than average money" then how come you don't put money in several books and shop for the best line?
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