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Old 01-20-2005, 11:53 PM
Utah Utah is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2003
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Default Re: Thoughts on Bias

LOL. Of course. Havent you noticed how screwed up everything is?

In reality, the average person has a really hard time discussing core issues and principles as they relate to real world actions. Frankly, the discussions are too difficult and too complex to grasp. People have an easy time being outraged at killing and people have an easy time being pro or anti gun. However, people have a hard time looking at the softer and harder to grasp core issues.

I run across this is business all the time. People can deal with actionable items. However, they look at you like a deer in headlights when you start talking about vision, identity, branding, etc.

You can have interesting reports/shows on core issues without being slanted. I think John Stossel had excellent segments on such questions as "is greed good?" and "should vices be outlawed". I thought there were balanced and fascinating. I dont know how well they were received by the public though.
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