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Old 01-26-2005, 10:39 PM
David Ottosen David Ottosen is offline
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Location: SJ, Costa Rica
Posts: 199
Default Re: Chess: want to get better fast

It depends on whether you want to "get better" fast or "have better results" fast.

If you want to get better fast, you're probably out of luck. Its not a simple game to learn, and hard to learn quick. Much will depend on your individual talent level. For all beginners (apologies if this offends you...but if you are in the 1100 range, you're essentially a beginner as relates to tournament chess), I always advise the whole gamut of Silman/Seirawan books "Winning Chess..(tactics, endings, etc). They are available at most major bookstores and are pretty cheap. They are also easy to read, with or without a board in front of you.

If you want better results fast, pick up any book devoted to opening traps. You'll catch many experienced players in these, but you aren't going to get any better in chess playing them.

FWIW, Fide rated 2115 (with two IM scalps in full on tourney play and one humiliating loss to a GM where "beginner" would have been a charitable way to describe my play)
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