Thread: Dear Lee Jones
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Old 10-13-2005, 12:57 AM
goodguy_1 goodguy_1 is offline
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Default Re: Dear Lee Jones

other feature requests:
Have the hh's say 6max at the 6max tables.
When you are on the wait list for a table, there is no real reason that the Main Lobby needs to pop-up in addtion to the "seat available" pop-up

[/ QUOTE ]

2 biggests flaws easily. Try datamining 1MIllion hands and then try and filter out 6MAX hands from Full hands using PokerTracker-omfg what a hassle. I've asked Pat to enable a fix for this where you can filter say all pokertars players at one time for 6MAX games rather than one by one-but thats just for datamining.

6MAX tables need to labeled in hh for Pokertracker as 6MAX.

The waiting lists are very annoying if you are a multi-tabling or just sitting down at 2-3 new tables..they are incessant and pop-up over your current table..if you are just joining a bunch of new tables and are still getting called to be seated at other games becomes chaotic. One way to rectify this is to only have the beep sound or lengthen the time in between the invites to play at the wait-listed table- every 15 seconds now it pops back up ..i think you have one minute total.. a better interval may be 20-30 seconds...I may be off on that thu..whatever it is if you are a multi-tabler it is crazy.. Best thing to do if you do multi-table is join the number of games you want to play at gradually..dont join them all at once...then you dont get all these pop-ups coming at you.

PokerStars has the best software I love playing on it-it's flawless.

One problem thu is that as Stars has started to add many more ring games. The Lobby whether on the Limit tab or NoLimit Tab is starting to get cluttered and much less easy to navigate.

In the future Stars may need to have sub-tabs for particular limits within LHE and NLHE..this is worst at the low limits ie $3-6/$5-10 LHE and $100,$200 NLHE for me and probably at the micro-limits also. They dont need it for bigger games

Problem is they gotten so many games and the viewable screenspace of the Lobby at times wont even allow you to see all the games at a particular limit..I'm not a big fan of having to scroll down thru a bunch of games....
a nice problem to have but they need to keep the Lobby manageable.