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Old 10-03-2005, 05:14 PM
dtbog dtbog is offline
Junior Member
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 19
Default The often-heard advice, \'don\'t miss college for poker!\'

I hear this advice pretty often around 2+2, and I don't think it's quite complete.

I am a junior in college, and poker is my main hobby. I play poker a lot -- and I've certainly given up some other opportunities here and there for a card game.

However, I don't feel like I've missed out on college. I've met some of my closest friends through live poker games here; some (but not all or most) of my best experiences since coming here have been weekend casino trips with my poker buddies.

I have a serious girlfriend and some very close friends -- some but not all of whom even play poker. I go out at night, and socialize like everyone else. My GPA is pretty damn decent...

... this all being said, poker has paid for a lot of my various expenses since coming here, and it's a hobby that 1) I enjoy and 2) challenges me.

A lot of the advice on here suggests that one party or one chance to grab a freshman girl's ass should absolutely not be missed for a poker game -- and I don't think this is true. Couldn't you give the same advice to college athletes that don't plan to try to turn pro: 'don't miss college for baseball! don't miss your weekends to travel and play basketball games!' Of course, but the generally-accepted retort here is that everyone should have a hobby.

Obviously there are extremes, but every time I hear 'don't miss your college years because you're playing cards', I feel like someone is trying to make me guilty for choosing poker as a hobby rather than ultimate frisbee or writing for the school newspaper.. and I think this is bad advice.
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