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Old 08-20-2005, 02:25 PM
ClonexxSA ClonexxSA is offline
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 80
Default Re: Is this collusion?

I personally feel if you are friends enough with your Boss to invite him to a game, then you are friends enough with him to sit down and have an adult, calm conversation about what went on.

You need to explain to him how important your reputation and integrity are to you. You then need to explain exactly what happened that night and why. You need to let him in on your line of thinking so he can see why you and your friend didn't play many pots against one another and why you split the tourney 50-50.

I would definitely go so far as to give him some basic TAG strategies so he can try to understand it better.

I know some people in this situation would try to explain what collusion really is and what it looks like. I would NOT do this, as it will do nothing but look.....bad.
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