Thread: Poorly Played?
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Old 12-17-2002, 05:11 AM
MichaelD MichaelD is offline
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Default Re: Poorly Played?


I know you are a very good player. I also have read all the responses here so my response may, but I don't think so, be a bit tainted. I wil probably get flamed but here is my opinion.

Pre-Flop - Definitely call - Given the way you describe this player, I cannot possibly fathom why you would want to three-bet pre-flop and attempt to isolate heads up with the worst position at the table and a hand of J high - I guess I would ask myself what he is raising with that my J high hand is worthy of three-betting with - but that is just me.

Flop - Bet and call if raised - again personally I do not like check-raising a player who you describe "capable of outplaying me on my best day" with a hand of J high and most likely 8 clean outs.

Turn - Either betting, checkraising, or check calling are all viable option depending on your read.

River - Depends on your turn play If you bet the turn, I would checkraise the river. If you check/call the turn, I would bet, then three bet the river when raised. If you checkraise the turn and then get re-raised, I would again check-raise the river and 4 bet if he three bets me. If I am gonna draw to the hand heads up, then I sure as heck am not going to slow down when I get there.

Given the entire situation you describe, I have some concern with being overagressive or what I would term as seriously overplaying with nothing more than a drawing hand - especially without position - and against what you describe as a solid player (granted who may or may not be on tilt).
From my experience, very few solid players - tilted or not -who have raised pre-flop - are going to fold a hand with a board with two face cards on it.

From the responses, it sounds like I am in the minority and that I would be the only here who did not just keep on raising and raising and then check-raising until I got there. Maybe I am missing something.

Just some thoughts...

Michael D.

PS - I figure I had better cover this before I get flamed by those of you are thinking I am weak passive as a player because of the way I describe my thinking regarding this hand. While it is definitely possible I am weak/passive as a player, I really do not believe this is the case.
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