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Old 11-20-2005, 04:45 PM
bmxreed36 bmxreed36 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 62
Default Re: Your Diet and Nutrition

This thread is full of horrible, horrilbe advice. I am 24 and for as long as I remember, my meals mostly include fast food, microvable foods, pizza, and I do cook once in a while (pasta, hamburger, or something like that). I also daily eat chips and cheez-its (white cheddar). I hate water and drink a ton of pop, mostly mountain dew, but also drink juices and milk (chocolate). I smoke alot and drink alcohol. This is my diet and I suggest it to everyone. I am in fine shape, am not overweight, sleep well, have plenty of energy, and no medical problems. Sure, my body will explode when I turn 35, 8 years after my teeth fall out but it will be well worth the time.
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