Thread: Quiet Friends
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Old 11-14-2005, 03:15 AM
Sponger15SB Sponger15SB is offline
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Default Quiet Friends

I don't know whether to call one of my friends shy or mute. He lives 2 doors down and all of our friends are friends so we hang out a lot.

He rarely talks. Ever. At most you'll get a few sentances out of him, and you can manage to hold a conversation with just him nodding a few times. He is the life of the party though. Everyone loves him. He has never said anything out of line or that people disagree with. He doesn't have much of an opinion either way. He never yells or gets mad but always seems generally happy even though he never shows much emotion.

I've never met anyone like this and didn't know there were people that were actually this shy? Is this a common occurance? Do a lot of people out there know multiple people like this? I'm pretty sure this guy would have 0 friends if not for being a really good surfer/skater because its hard to hold a conversation with him and for him to meet new people unless he is introduced to them.
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