Thread: Semi Bluff 1/3
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Old 07-19-2005, 10:28 AM
mbraudel mbraudel is offline
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Default Re: Semi Bluff 1/3

TWP: Help me understand your comment that he's offering you good odds to draw here?

You're assuming that your opponent has a set, which means you need to hit your flush. Merely pairing your overcards won't win the pot for you. Is that right?

There's $8.70 in the pot before you push. You push an additional $25, which Villain calls. Final pot is $58-ish, meaning you have to win 25/58 = 43% of the time for this move to pay off.

You have 9 outs twice, so 18 outs.

18 outs/ 47 unknown cards is 38% chance of making the flush by the river.

That's less than the pot odds give us.

Since we're all in, there are no more implied odds to look at.

Will opponents fold to our push, often enough, to make up for loss that the pot odds don't give us?

Or, did I screw up the math?

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