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Old 12-13-2005, 12:53 PM
Phishy McFish Phishy McFish is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2003
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Default Collusion (not a \"rigged\" or lost a pot post)

Do you think it is more prevelant (sp?) in PLO? Honestly, if I were going to target a game for team play, this would be it. TO BE CLEAR....I HAVE NEVER participated in such acts. But I do occasionally question some "juicing" of pots I see and when combined with coordinated arrival or departure (within a few hands) from a table.... get even more suspicious/paranoid.

It seems as though even just 2 players working together on a near full table could really tear it apart by simply boosting the pot for the made hand amongst them or by both playing different draws or a combination of both.

Sorry for the grassy nole (sp?) post, but I was thinking about it and figured I'm not the first to consider it (that it occurs, not doing it).......I bet others have already thought it out and made conclusions.
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