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Old 11-21-2005, 06:20 PM
Jedster Jedster is offline
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Default Re: The Vice President of Torture

It's very very atypical that former CIA directors or other major officials will criticize a sitting presient or vice president.

So I think OP was just trying to show that it's remarkable that very senior former officials are going on the record to take on the administration.

As I read it, his point was less that you should believe what Turner had to say and more that Cheney has so little credibility that former CIA directors were willing to accuse him of being VPs for torture. Incidentally, i think Turner meant more that Cheney was in favor of torture, rather than that he was the VP or torture.

Regardless, what Cheney is doing now is laughable. The problem these nuts have is that they think they have a PR or political problem when really what they have is a policy problem.

If they spent less time trying to argue that Democrats were the cause of all the world's problems and more time fighting terrorism and trying to end the Iraq War on positive terms, we'd all be better off.
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