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Old 02-26-2002, 04:24 PM
Posts: n/a
Default That\'s a pathetic immitation

That was a a pathetic immitation of the original. You shouldn't bother posting if you aren't going to put any real effort into it.

You wrote

On the very first hand I'm in the big blind and JOEY posts in the seat just to my left.

And the you wrote

BLOEY checks and I bet only to get checkraised

You don't even know how to describe a poker hand. You're on Joey's right and yet you get to act last? Joey would never make such a mistake.

On top of that, where were your views about an aspect of the poker world? Joey always includes those and are a key feature of his stories. It almost always leads to the big punchline.

Style is important. WHERE WERE THE CAPS? What's with the use of paragraphs? There are many more style mistakes.

To cap it, you stole one of Joey's jokes. He's already used the "loose" joke.

And, what a ridiculous ending. Joey loses and gets raped by three uninvolved people? Why? I guess your ego needed not only to write this idiotic story but also to win the hand and not be the guy raping him. Are you homophobic?

C'mon, if you're going to be a cheap immitation, at least try to look original.

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