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Old 03-21-2002, 03:18 PM
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Default Re: What is wrong with you people???

I often ran into this counterproductive and quite frankly offensive attitude when I was learning the game and still thought K4s was a good hand.

I also remember playing 6 -12 at the Mirage a few years ago and I was a very inexperienced player even though I thought I knew it all.

There were two foreign ladies who did not speak English and certainly did not know how to play poker. I am afraid to admit I was one of the ones compaining about their non English speaking etc. Even though they were 2 of the few people in the known poker world at that time who played worse than me.

They eventually got driven out of the game and it was only after a couple of years of misery at the lower limits I started to see the error of my ways.

I was lucky, most people spend a lifetime thinking as I did.

I think that as you play higher (15 - 30 and up) the players start to smarten up enough to realise the folly of having the attitude you describe.

I would rarely if ever consider saying anything to these players but I must say it's mighty tempting at times!
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