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Old 10-19-2005, 01:40 PM
psuasskicker psuasskicker is offline
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 91
Default Re: QQ minraised oop 6max

Question: is there ever a variation of this situation here (given no reads) that stack sizes would force me to raise or fold?

If he reraises bigger PF...that's about it.

Also, in this hand, an A hit with two rags. How often do I represent AK hoping he's got KK?

Problem with this is, you lose a lot when you lose, and don't win nearly as much when you win. He has to first off be on KK, and secondly have to believe you have AK. Then you have to guess how much you're gonna win vs. lose in each situation. If you think you're gonna lose twice as much as you'll win when you adequately represent the Ace (I think this is a conservative assumption based on how much money it's gonna take for you to pull off representing AK there), do you think you'll win often enough to pull it off?

Depends on the opponent, but I'm not trying to make this move against anyone not weak tight or that I have an exceptional read on. Online, almost never...

- Chris
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