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Old 12-08-2005, 12:04 PM
danzasmack danzasmack is offline
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Default Re: Should I finish college? (long)

Hey, I'm an NYU senior. I just took level 1 actuary exam. I say you finish out school then after you graduate study for actuary exams and play poker. It will give you something else to focus on while playing and a back up plan in case you wake up and decide 52 cards just seems boring.

If you drop out you will regret it for the rest of your life. You may think "oh my grades aren't that good" blah blah blah, but honestly man, you are going to a great school and just getting a degree will help you down the road.


And FWIW I work 20 hours a week and play poker for about 10-15. + get wasted and am lazy and I will graduate. so, take my 20 hours at an office and boom, you're making 600k a year.

It sounds to me like you just don't go to class. I think if you go to class you will be fine. Also, it sounds like you just don't want to study for finals, which are in about a week. Just suck it up for like, a week. We all know 1 semester = 1 all nighter. So get away from the internet for a night and read.
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