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Old 03-05-2005, 01:14 PM
AKQJ10 AKQJ10 is offline
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Default Re: Equity and pot odds question: Do I understand this?


It looks to me like your understanding is accurate. However, if it's easier for you to conceptualize, Buzz on the O8 forum talks about "fresh money pot odds". It's the same idea, to wit if you raise and get three callers you're being offered 3:1 in fresh money, so it's only a correct value bet if you're 3:1 or better to make your draw.


You are correct that betting a draw as a semibluff may be correct far more often than it would be if it were strictly a value bet. This depends directly on the probability of all your opponents folding. If you're in a game where it's virtually impossible to envision all opponents folding to a bet, then all that matters is whether the odds merit a value bet. I was going to make up a numerical example, but it would have to be oversimplified. At any rate, the point is, that even say an extra 10% chance of winning the pot uncontested can make betting as a semibluff far better than check/calling.

But betting as a semibluff isn't the same motive as betting for value, although one bet might have both purposes. So in essence you're both right.
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