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Old 10-25-2005, 02:04 PM
TheQ TheQ is offline
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Default Re: The Biggest Miracle

I am busy reading the bible right now for the first time. (I'm 30)
First thing I'd like to say is this:

Lets not argue the fine points, I know you could pick apart everything I say quite easily, I'm good, but you're probably better.

When it comes to poker, emotional control is a must. As an expert David, you must be able to deal with bad beats, and this lends itself to God. Your perceptions and decisions are skewed when you're mad, and thus cannot hear God, or play poker properly.

As for becoming a great poker player, study study study, is a must. Also shows dedication. Why not let that dedication run over into other areas of your life? After I finsish the Bible, I'm going to study Jewish books, and maybe some other religions as well, to get a better understanding of God.

I'm pretty sure by now poker is yours, you OWN it. Even if you decide to read the bible, to learn some values, and morals, without faith, it's still better than doing nothing. My thought processes from poker tell me that much. Everything on TV, and in the world influences you, I'm sure of it. Why not read the bible once? Even if you doen't convert, it can't hurt, and may even help you to change some of the things you value, into things you no longer value so much. For me it was was work, and money. I'm a lot happier now that I value my wife, and kids, above work.

Anyway back to the manna, they put some in a vessel, to be stored away for future generations to anylize, I don't know if it's still stored in the ark. Read EXODUS from the old testament.

As a poker player you learn to think more deeply, on higher levels, and this is exactly what God is looking for in a christian.

Here is a great website I found the other day, which is helping me to define the ideas, or name them, (and thus understand more deeply the things I've been realizing lately
from reading the bible)

Guided Bible Studies

The problem you might have is this: Apparently as a sinner, you cannot think deeply enough to understand it. Sounds like a trick to you doesn't it? "Hmm, I have to accept the holy spirit in order to think more deeply." Well I'll be honest, I was baptised when I was younger, and the bible never made sense to me. Until I turned 30. I guess, looking back I see natural progressions from one phase of life to the next. 12 yr old boys play with fire. 18 year old boys vandalize stuff. 30 year olds are grown up enough to deeply understand the bible. The Holy Spirit, enables you to take it further, as well.

I also have some nutrition tips that help as well, but anyone who wants to know, is going to have to take some initiative, and ASK.

Says right in the bible: Ask and you shall recieve. There is a reason for this. You can give a person the answers, to make his life happier. But now, you've pointed out his flaws. You have increased the differential between his potential, and his current level of performance, by raising his level of awareness. It's like telling someone that punching people is wrong, after his parents taught him it was ok. If he accepts what you tell him as right, but keeps on doing it anyway, he is now performing at a lower level in relation to where he was at before. This is probably why God doesnt have any direct contact with us. If we KNEW he existed, for sure, and STILL, we kept sinning, we would be worse off than we were before.

Besides, having faith is hard, it's a test.

Here's a suggestion, you don't have to try it, but, I'm doing it right now.
Assumption 1) The holy spirit is my conscience so I know right from wrong.
Now instead of praying, I TALK WITH God. I ask questions and He tells me the answers.
Possiblity 1) I am talking to myself, based on my definition of God, and He doesn't exist.
Outcome 1.a) I am happy
1.b) I go crazy (I doubt it, but it is possible)

Poss 2) I am talking to myself and He does exist.
Outcomes 2.a) He is forgiving because he sees me trying.
2.b) He is talking with me, and as my level of understanding increaes, it becomes easier and easier.

SO, if the Holy Spirit is my conscience and I am pretending to hear God in my head, the Holy Spirit won't let me say anything untrue (from God's perspective)

A sidenote: I noticed that only 2 people were spared from death. God came and picked them up. Enoch in Genesis, and Elijah in 1,2 Kings. The only thing I can see in common with both of them is this: Constant communion (talking) with God. There's the reason I am talking with Him. I don't know any christians who do this. Their level of understanding hasn't matured enough yet. Thats a prayer I make all the time. "Please help me deepen my level of awareness as you see fit. But not so much, that my level of performance falls off." As I increase my consciousness, I have to decrease my sins, and increase my faith and works...My sins become more glaring to me, because I am able to see more clearly, as I think on deeper and deeper levels.

One more thing I want to add. Hopefully, this will work for a non-believer such as yourself. Have you ever felt some tingles on your head, neck, or body from a moving song? I personally believe it's the Holy Sprit stirring within you. see the story of SAMSON who's strength was derived from the length of his hair. So if the Holy Spirit is stirring within you, it must mean God is close (or happy about what you are doing at that moment) Now, samson was born before jesus came, and starting baptising people, but, he HAD the Holy Spirit stirring within him, SO I am thinking that ALL people have at least some access to the Holy Sprit. So when I pray, or ask God a question, if I feel that tingle I know it's right. If not, then it's undecided. This is another prayer I make all the time. "Please grant me more access to the Holy Spirit, as you see fit." I am aiming to have that 'tingling' feeling going on ALL day, EVERY day. Seems so simple to me now. But only 4 months ago, it was like rocket science.... And yet, like a poker player realizes, the more I learn, the deeper the rabbit hole goes. I am only on the tip of an iceberg.

Another reason I believe everyone has some access to the Holy Spirit is this. In genesis it said: God decided to make a man like himself. But Adam and Eve's sons, took wives. Incest is wrong. Soon after people began calling themselves "The Lords people" So there must have been other people right? There was a distinction between those with souls/access to the holy spirit, and those without. Then God flooded the earth and killed everyone execpt Noah and his family, who also were decendants of Adam and Eve. So everyone on earth today is directly related to Noah (and Adam and Eve) Therefore, you and I, are "The Lords people" as well.

I don't see any realistic negative expectation here, so why not go for it? God doesn't mind having the sheep (people who are followers, and with limited understanding) But He WANTS people who can TALK WITH Him. Those are the special ones. The prophets, who do miracles, parting oceans, and doing amazing miracles.

When I first got involved with my daughter (who was 6) who I had never met, I had no real love for her. So I faked it until it became more natural, and kept on going, until it was real. Fake it til you make it. Same idea with God. Fake talking with Him, until, it becomes real. Fake being his friend, until it's natural. Just make sure your intentions are pure.

There is so much I've learnt in such a short time. (ALL OF THIS IN A COUPLE MONTHS) This email could go on much longer.

I've got some really good books (that aren't religious whatsoever, that add to my knowledge, and proof) Again, ASK.

You can't help someone who's mind is closed. But, if they ask, then, they must have a mind open, to new possibilities.

Who wants to wake up?

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