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Old 12-24-2005, 09:38 PM
12AX7 12AX7 is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 142
Default Re: How to beat progressively higher limits?

Hi Mike,
Oh yeah, I *know* I'm nowhere near being able to make a living at it. LOL! No question about that.

I do have a living expense bankroll, and can bankroll the game. However, it would have to work soon if I were doing if full time. After living bankrolls burn fairly quick these days. I'm just forcing myself to win my way up to be sure I'm really winning. Call it an act of self discipline (and maybe defiance, LOL!).

Given that multi-tabling seems to be the rule these days, I don't know how anyone ever gets the kind of reads you are talking about against 40, 50 or 80 opponents at a time.

FWIW, I came back last night with a nice $30 win at 0.25/0.50. So guess I gotta keep tryin'. That bad day I mentioned I played about 5500 hands trying to get back to even, finally had to stop after 20 hours. LOL!

So here's a strategy question for you... "The Dreaded Ace" problem.

You have large PP's say KK... and Ace drops. Get out? Seems like in these smaller games folks play literally any Ace.

Anyway, just wondering what everyone's thought on the default play in that situation is?

I've seen it go either way naturally. But I'd swear there's always an Ace in the field opponents. Seems like a long term losing play to even try to fight it?
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