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Old 12-23-2005, 10:21 PM
12AX7 12AX7 is offline
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Posts: 142
Default How to beat progressively higher limits?

OK, I just finished reading all the other posts.

Some intersting points made.

The one I'm really interested in is the sub-debate about what it takes to get to a level of significant income, and how long.

My story is that I used to play stud in Vegas at the 5/10 to 10/20 level.

Like another poster stated somewhere, "I bought SSHE, deposited xxxx dollars and lost more than I care to admit".

I had started playing at around those levels believing it was no big deal.

Like that other poster I realized I just screwed up. Like him I busted myself down to the 0.02/0.04 level... with just $2.63 left in that account.

I have worked since worked that back up to a high water mark of $200, jumping levels as bankroll permitted. I did not have a losing day until last night. Got kicked back to $130 seemed like I've been fighting over those same few $20 bills for 2 weeks now.

This has been occuring at the 0.25/0.50 and 0.50/1.00 level.
(Ok, I admit it. Been taking shots at 0.50/1.00 under bankrolled...but not losing there, oddly. Just not winning much either.)

So apparently the Peter Principle has set in and I've hit some sort of plateau. (Though I do see that the games are tighter once there's a rake too.)

Sometimes I theorize that once the regular players get a line on me at a level... or more likely thier Poker Tracker... Profits dry up.

That's why I was taking shots. Seems my profits are high in the early days at any given limit, then I get nailed.

So this brings up some questions.

1) How to bust plateaus
2) What do I have to do to beat these limits and the next ones up. (I'm wanting to rapidly replace my regular work with this.)
3) At the levels where it starts to tighten up (0.50/1.00 at least on Stars) should I switch from SSHE to HPFAP at these limits. Granted the book was originally for 10/20 and above. But that was based on the game difficulty if I recall correctly, right?

Anyway, any thoughts appreciated.
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