Thread: UBs TV BS...
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Old 12-10-2005, 10:29 PM
Siegmund Siegmund is offline
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Default Re: UBs TV BS...

I thought it was quite a clever idea for a promo, as a way to inspire casual players to get more serious about the site.

In sharp contrast to the OP, I also thought it was a promotion aimed specifically AT low-limit players, in contrast to something like PokerPlex's prizes for most rake generated in a weekend which is aimed only at the high limits... the points per table-hour are virtually flat from $1/2 upward.

I also thought I might have a good shot at it, since I happened to have earned 70 points in November, and didn't imagine there would be very many people who had gotten so close to the magic 50 by chance.

But three days in, there were already people at 3000% which was in the vicinity of the score that I thought might have a chance at third place at month's end (silly me, I guess.) I can't help thinking there was a small cadre of lucky folks who knew this was coming up and played 50 points worth in November to prepare.
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