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Old 12-26-2005, 07:10 PM
bolgenmod bolgenmod is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 26
Default Re: Berating Weak Players At The Poker Table

Read this thread for advice because I've seen this a couple of times online (not live).

I just started playing at Party a month or so ago and thus got access to to biggest fishpond I've ever seen: the beginner's section. The highest limit there is 1/2, but the .50/1 has almost the same size average pot as the the 1/2. And there are almost always games with at least 11-12 averages (at .50/1!). At EVERY table I've played there, there's at least one person with a VP$P over 85. Soft.

One day I saw a table with an $18 average, so I got myself on the list. And there he was: the uberfish. He was the worst player I've ever seen. I played that table for 4 hours and saw him make $50 rebuys at least 8 times. And I got my share of that $400. But when I joined the table, there was a guy who was needling him: "how much have you lost so far? Isn't that about $300?" and like that. I could not believe that Mr. Needler would be saying that -- let him drop as much as he wants, fer chrissakes!! (Based on that chat, I'd guess he dropped near $1000 that night: playing .50/1!!!) I saw uberfish the next day, but only for about an hour (and $200) before he disappeared. He's not been back since, as far as I can tell. Shame. And shame on Mr. Needler.

I saw a similarly horrible player, who was about 99.9 VP$P, getting cursed out another day by a different player. The amusing thing was that Mr. Angry was playing with Mr. 99.9 the next day too!! Seems Angry loved 99.9's money, but couldn't stand the suckouts!!

I just don't understand these people -- why be mean to the producers? And, of course, I love the irony of these people berating others for their inferior play ON THE BEGINNER'S TABLES!! I mean, I'm not a true beginner either, but at least I know enough to keep my mouth SHUT.
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