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Old 10-02-2005, 02:28 PM
ggbman ggbman is offline
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Posts: 605
Default Re: Schneids Post on Taking Shots

I thought it was pretty interesting, i might as well X-post my response:

"I thought i would chime in here. A while ago, i wrote up this post on bankroll management. Since then my feelings have changed a little, but not much. Basically, i think for most players, it's worth the little bit of extra time at their current limit to build a better bankroll for taking their shots.

My first day playing 10-20 i was down 100BB's. I also was able to assess the quality of the games and knew i would be a winner there. This last month i did very well in the 30-60 game, but i went on -80bb slide to start things off. Having the extra bankroll for MOST players will give them a better chance to suceed because they won't tilt as much and the money won't seem like as much to them. The other day I had a -13k or so day, by far my worst day ever. If i had a 50k roll, that would have been pretty brutal emotioanlly.

The exceptions to this in my opinion, are people like schneids, bk, etc... who seem very good at assessing their potential in a game quickly, and who are not afraid to move back down for a bit if things are not going well. They are not going to ever jepordize their potential earn by losing more money than they can afford to in these games. If this is true for you, then you can be more liberal in taking shots IMO."
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