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Old 11-15-2005, 05:28 PM
PokerGoblin PokerGoblin is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 115
Default Re: What\'s your pet peeve?

Comments are intersperced:

people who sneeze loudly - I think it is funny to sneeze as long and loud as possible

stickers on fruit - why? they taste like chicken?

waxed apples - ok...

picky eaters - some people care about their figure

people who talk and "analyse" during movies - I realize you know Jackie Chan is going to win the end from the beginning of the movie, but not everyone is as bright as you are.

crummy jobs where your boss expects you to work as if you have a vested interest in the company - as opposed to working for free or not having a job?

people who exploit others - like poker players?

landlords who think they're doing you a favour by renting to you - aren't they? They could try harder and find someone respectable.

basement suites that don't have sound proofing in the ceiling - all of them

creaky stairs/floors - almost all of them

electric hand dryers in bathrooms--don't those fuckers realise they don't work? - Are you sure you are using them correctly?

when people drape used dish cloths over the faucet to dry - huh?

unnecessary speed bumps - so you want people driving 70 MPH through your grandmother's retirement community?

when you rent a dvd and it gets [censored] up half-way through - this one is actually decent

people who snore or breath loudly when they sleep - just roll your boyfriend on his side

loud toilets - I actually prefer a vocal throne

taps that drip - like your cock?

wall clocks that tick loudly - see below

one way electrical switches - see below

florescent lighting - I swear you just went through your apartment and looked for random things to put on here.

noisy electrical appliances (refridgerators), computers - see above

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