Thread: l4yer cake
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Old 12-29-2005, 04:40 AM
diebitter diebitter is offline
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Default Re: l4yer cake

Layer Cake is a good movie

Lock Stock and Snatch are a cut above it I'd say, and between Good and Great, and I personally prefer Lock Stock, but only by a little (I'm with the trend, I saw it first). Brad Pitt's pikey (and all the pikeys) are excellent and not caricatures, I'm telling ya! and I want both!

On a side-note, Mean Machine is much more marginal, though it does have it's moments (Jason Statham as a psycho goalie who sees things in his head that diverge from reality is quite funny). I'd say it's worth seeing if on TV or at a friends, but don't go out of your way.

If you like to try deeper, darker Brit stuff try Gangster No.1 (okay the modern day bits really don't cut it, but the 1960's bits are as good as anything you'll ever see), Sexy Beast, or if you wanna go back in time, 'The Long Good Friday' and the original 'Get Carter'.

Carter, I think I've mentioned before, is Michael Caine being the screen's ultimate badass - I kid you not.
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