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Old 12-18-2005, 04:30 PM
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Default Re: Why did Jesus have to die?

God is almighty all powerfull he could forgive everyones sins on a whim

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I suppose God could, on a whim, eliminate every single thing that is wrong in the world, too. He could just snap his fingers and eradicate cancer, AIDS, murder, rape, plague, starvation, death.

Why doesn't he do such things?

In my personal opinion, perhaps it because such utopia only exists in heaven. Worthiness through sacrifice must be proven to enter heaven, and such exemplary worthiness and sacrifice was clearly demonstrated for all to see, hear, and read about by Jesus Christ on the cross, thus answering your question as to why Jesus needed to die in such a horrific way upon the cross.

Of course that is my opinion. You will do yourself better to formulate your own based on your own years of reading, research, and investigation. I'll warn you, faith is probably a prelimary requisite.
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