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Old 10-21-2005, 12:18 PM
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Default Re: Everyone be quiet about Able Danger

I'll play my ace.

He claims BUSH knew about it before hand and did nothing to stop it. He even wrote a gigantic book on it. No one's proven him wrong.

What about the Pentagon clean-up after 911? Ever look into that? How about this site?

"The conclusion of this talk, Whatever Struck the Pentagon Was Not a Boeing 757, implies that no 757 was involved in the attack. 9-11Research does not endorse this implication, but only that no intact 757 impacted the Pentagon's facade. 9-11Research finds the most likely hypothesis one that involves a 757-like plane exploding immediately before impact, which we credit to French researcher Eric Bart. We find that, whereas the evidence that the Twin Towers and Building 7 were destroyed by controlled demolition is overwhelming -- a case layed out in The World Trade Center Demolition -- the evidence regarding exactly what occurred in the Pentagon attack is ambiguous and difficult to draw clear conclusions from. We do, however, find the official story of the Pentagon attack untenable for a number of reasons: The fact that the portion of the Pentagon attacked was nearly empty due to ongoing renovations, and that the aircraft undertook an extreme maneuver to strike this portion are strong evidence that the attack was an inside job.
The complexity and precision of the approach maneuver are nearly impossible to reconcile with the official account that the plane was piloted by Hani Hanjour, an incompetent pilot of even single-engine prop-planes.
Several eyewitness accounts suggest that the jetliner exploded before impacting the building.
The rapid clean-up of evidence of the attack, and the indications of forgery in the five video frames released by the Pentagon suggest insiders have conspired to conceal the nature of the attack.

Recommended Resources

This new book by Don Paul and Jim Hoffman exposes the demolition of the World Trade Center and the financiers behind the crime.

9-11 Research is planning to publish a book based on this website some time in 2005. This promises to be the most complete and authoritative book yet disproving the official story that the attack was the work of Osama bin Laden."

I'm no conspiracy theorist, but if you want a war of links and childish games, I'll play.
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