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Old 08-13-2005, 08:41 AM
Jeff W Jeff W is offline
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 85
Default So, you want to learn poker mathematics?


Jason Pohl

The 0,1 Game.

Weighing the Odds by Yao King


The basic premise of unexploitable play is that you must put your opponent's hand range to a 0 EV decision against your hand range.

For example, if the pot is 4 BB and you know your opponent's hand range to be exactly KK-JJ on an AT823 board, your bluffing frequency should be such that 1/6 of the time you are bluffing and 5/6 of the time you are betting a superior hand. Thus, whether he calls or folds, his EV is 0.

Obviously, this gets more complicated as your opponent's hand range gets wider, but the premise is the same and you can extend it to any poker situation.
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