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Old 12-27-2005, 05:37 AM
Lloyd Lloyd is offline
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Posts: 412
Default Re: pushing in the orange zone (PP$150)

You think a good player will call a 12xBB push w/22? I sure don't. Again, it gets back to the buy-in. But unless they have chips to spare or are desperate then I see them folding most of the small pairs - perhaps even up to 77s. And when you calcuate your equity against 88+, AQ+ it drops down to 35% although of course the chance of getting called decreases.

And it's not just a question of whether pushing is +EV. The question is whether or not pushing is the most +EV versus other alternatives. It may very well be but you need to consider all options and what you're opponents are likely to do if you just make a normal raise. What hands will they push with? What hands will they call with? You need to think about who is left to act after you and who is in the blinds. While in a STT there are lots of automatic decisions I think that's less the case in an MTT where there are many factors to consider.
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