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Old 12-21-2005, 07:47 PM
LotsOfOuts69 LotsOfOuts69 is offline
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Default Re: The Stars VIP Guessing Game

And yes, according to there 3600 FPP 9 player single table satellite for a $530 tournament entry, thats about 61.13 FPP for $1 of value. So thats around 733,585 FPP for $12,000.

Obviously, that is way too many FPP's to earn, so the question is going to be this:

Will it be a trade of all FPP's for a package? I mean, they have tournies where you can buy in for 300,600,1000 FPP's and win 3000,6000,10000 FPPs, I dont think they are going to want people to get FPP's to buy $12,000 packages this way.

So that means that the VIP program will be set up in a way in which the newly earned FPP's will be credited in a different manner.

I don't think you are going to get to use your FPP's you have now to buy anything new they will be offering in a week, it's possible that they will set up some new system, (like Party) in which higher volume players will earn FPP's at a faster rate, thus being able to acheive higher totals.

I dunno, but I am super excited to see what they say, however, I think I am probably going to be slightly disappointed.

I hope it does come in the next week, my first thought was that they were either going to wait until the Carribean adventure was over, or possibly make the grand announcement at the event in the bahamas.

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