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Old 12-30-2005, 10:44 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Please analyze my play here...

I appreciate the feedback. I don't think it has anything to do with watching too much poker on TV. I couldn't imagine he had a 5 or any mid pair, considering his preflop and postflop decisions. My analysis of his hand directed my play and I was dead wrong. But he had 6 outs and I don't have a major problem showing a bit of weakness on the turn to make him think I don't have much. Unfortunately, he caught his card. But if he called a bet on the flop, why wouldn't he call one on the turn? I understand betting more would have won me the pot early, but I also wanted to maximize my winnings. Obviously, with hindsight being 20/20, I made the wrong play. But if he has AQ and makes a big bet the river b/c he thinks I'm weak, I've maxed out my profit on this hand.

None the less, I screwed up a bit - but I don't think it was quite as catastrophic as you made it out to be.
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