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Old 10-20-2005, 03:48 AM
tonypaladino tonypaladino is offline
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Default so my professor threatened to throw me out of the class....

So I went to my science lab today after sleeping through the lecture, and cutting both on Monday, as is my normal school attendance style.

The school's policy is that a professor is allowed to give you a WU grade (equivilent to an F) once you miss 4 classes, however, so far in 4 full years, and about 40 classes total, about 37 of which I cut more than 8-10 times in a semester, I have had only 5-6 professors threaten to drop me, and only 2 that I felt were serious enough that I dropped the class on my own.

I have apparently missed 8 lectures and 7 labs of the ecology class. The professor pulled me asside and said if I missed one more lab or lecture I would get the WU.

Now, assuming I pass all my classes, this is my last semester of college. I would like to pass. However, based on past performance over the last 5 years, it is highly unlikely I will not miss another class.

My options are as follows:

1. Continue my normal routine and hope the professor is bluffing.
2. Somehow attempt to go to every class - If you reccomend this, pleas explain how I can break a 5 year habbit.
3. Just drop it now myself and get a withdrawal instead of a WU, and take the class in the spring.
4. Same, but take the class in a 6 week summer session
5. Drop out of school.

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