Thread: Sam Farha book?
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Old 08-05-2004, 07:15 PM
Aceshigh7 Aceshigh7 is offline
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Location: Houston, TX
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Default Sam Farha book?

Hi, was surfing the net and came across this page.

"Some have compared him to James Bond and Humphrey Bogart, with an appearance that's reminiscent of the riverboat gambler of the past. SAM FARHA, internationally renowned POKER PLAYER, has returned classiness and respect to a game that has all too quickly degenerated into a T-shirt-and-wisecracks sport, and his second-place win against amateur Chris Moneymaker at the nationally televised 2003 World Series of Poker brought him the public recognition he merits as one of the best professional poker players in the world. Now, Sam Farha has paired up with AEI and The Writer's Lifeline to tell his life story. Along the way, he'll offer sound, practical advice on what it takes to be a winner-in any walk of life.

Many professional poker players have business interests outside of the game, but poker is Sam's business, and the sound values instilled in him by his parents lie at the heart of his success. Raised in Lebanon by a strict but loving conservative father--who taught Sam the value of money--and a free-spirited mother, Sam set off on his life path with a spirit that's a unique combination of both.

When he was just a teenager, civil war erupted in his country and forced Sam to make a difficult choice: join the militia, which would pit him against neighbors and friends, or go to America and get an education. He opted for the latter, and moved to Wichita, Kansas in 1977 at the age of eighteen, where he made his father proud by earning a degree in Business Administration from Friend's University. He then joined his brother in Houston, Texas, and began putting his formal education to use.

But Sam was also his mother's son, after all, and he had the heart of a gambler. So, just eighteen months later, when a friend invited him over one night for a game of poker, Sam found his true calling. He had never played poker before, but he paid careful attention to the cards--and especiall his opponents--and left that night a couple of thousand dollars richer. "I can make money at this," he told himself. So, armed with the sound business sense ingrained by his father and the gambling spirit he'd inherited from his mother, Sam began devising his winning strategy.

As his amazing story unfolds, Sam will share tips on how to win at poker, how to BE a poker player, and he'll also reveal how the three key ingredients of his winning strategy that has allowed him to continue playing, and mostly winning, for nearly two decades: luck, business, and skill-can be anyone's formula for success. Proposed chapters outline is as follows:

INTRODUCTION: THE NEW POKER WORLD Part I: SKILL Chapter One: Roots and the American Dream Chapter Two: The Land of Oz Chapter Three: Answering Opportunity's Knock PART II: LUCK Chapter Four: Lady Luck Chapter Five: Superstition Chapter Six: Cheaters Part III: BUSINESS Chapter Seven: Dressing the Part Chapter Eight: Money Management Chapter Nine: Making Your Own Luck Part IV: POKER Chapter Ten: Who's Who in Poker: Cash vs. Tournament Players Chapter Eleven: The 2003 World Series of Poker: Farha vs. Moneymaker"

The book sounds really cool from the proposed chapter summaries they list. And Farha is a badass. Would love to read what he has to say.

I can't find any more info about this book and don't even know if it has been written by now or if he found a publisher. Maybe TwoPlusTwo could publish it? Does anyone here know anything else about this?
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