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Old 07-18-2005, 10:55 AM
teddyFBI teddyFBI is offline
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 99
Default Re: PokerAce Heads Up Display - Stats You Want to See

I was also thinking it might be a good idea to allow a user to specify that he wants different PT databases to be used if he's playing on BOTH party and stars -- for example, I datamine both of those sites into different there any risk at all of having my PAHUD point to both my party and stars databases?? I was thinking perhaps it would be a problem if two different players had the same name: one at party and one at Stars.

In fact, last night I noticed a glitch for the first ever time using PAHUD. I was playing the same player at 2 different tables, and his stat overlay was slightly different at each table. But all of the numbers were very close to each other, so I had almost no doubt that both of the statistical overlays were indeed pointing to the same person's stats...but I couldn't figure out why they would be different at all! In fact, in my layout, i display the player's name, so I'm 100% positive that each overlay was indeed showing stats for the same player...but as I said all of the numbers were just a little different than each other, and the hands played # was dif too.
All I could think of was that this somehow resulted from PAHUD displaying stats from different databases. (I have it drawing from about 3 dif. mined DBs). Does this make any sense at all, and can you think of something that accoutns for it??
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