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Old 10-27-2005, 11:46 AM
PrayingMantis PrayingMantis is offline
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Default Why having a 1/45 BB stack is great

Because when you have 1/45 BB stack, espcially with no bubble considerations, you have the pot-odds to play any (yes any!) hand, and that is extremely profitable and very much +EV, and also does not require any kind of ability. You just play any hand and it's +EV, which is wonderful. I call it the "magical pink zone", too bad Harrington forgot to mention it in his book.

For instance: suppose you have 82o with a 18 BB stack in MP. In most common situations you'll fold it, since playing might very well be -EV. HOWEVER, when you're in the "magical pink zone" you can happily play 82o there and it will definitely be +EV. How wonderful is that?