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Old 12-14-2005, 04:39 AM
bernie bernie is offline
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Default Re: I\'m turning jason into a LAG. The AQo test?

Only on extremely rare occasions and under perfect conditions would I even consider an isolation 3-bet with it and even then it's marginal at best. If ANY limper and ANY raiser are already in front, forget it, even if one's a fish and the other a donkey

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It doesn't take perfect conditions at all. Auto-folding this, especially if it's a loose raiser in front of a loose limper is losing money. Especially if you can fold everyone else out behind you with a 3 bet with position.

I'd suggest practicing postflop play with this hand if you're really that worried about it against weak players.

The hand is weak, vulnerable and you're paying too much to even try.

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In many cases, you may also have the best hand.

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