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Old 11-10-2005, 01:38 PM
AceHigh AceHigh is offline
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Default Re: My Reason and Phillips Poll

The results of this poll are three to one in favor of a Paul Phillips return. The ban is lifted.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm sorry to hear that. 2+2 is providing a service, and if Paul can't appreciate that then we don't need him here.

It seems like Mat/Mason may have overreacted to Paul's first post, but there is no excuse for Paul's "I'm very sorry" post. Any good will Paul had was destroyed in that post. He doesn't even use his supposed "genius" to post a well thought out and logical arguement to defend his position with class and show why Mason was wrong. He could of acted like an adult and replied privately to Mason explaining why he didn't need to apologize. Instead he reacted like a 2 year old.

I can't believe a smart guy like Paul can't see that. Maybe we have more than one "pokerbrat" in the poker world.