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Old 11-09-2003, 11:06 AM
dallaspoker dallaspoker is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2003
Posts: 22
Default Re: Dilemma from last nights home game...

i emphazize with you ... i host games myself, a $1/2$ blind pot limit game a few nights a week, and a 6/12 limit games a couple of others ... and on many nights, especially with the pot limit games we will have 2 full tables going - with anywhere between $2000-$5000 in play. and i have only had 2 situations of shortages - 1) i gave out $200 in checks (player was already in the game), and forgot to get his money- phone rang, or something, i got side tracked. after all was said and done - i called him the next day and "asked" that he check his bankroll - and sure enough he was 200 heavy. he was kind enough to bring it to me the next game. the only other time i came up $35 short at the end of the night -- and have no idea where it went, could have been an overpay to someone else-who knows. what i'm trying to say is ... only 2 shortages over a period of over a year of having several games a week is very, very good. but .. i follow a very simple procedure ... i cash-in and out one (1) person at a time, i don't allow people to just "throw money at me" - and i double check, and ask each player to double check the counts -- EVERYTIME. this accomplshes 2 things - one it helps make sure the money is correct, and it always emphasizes the fact that we run an honest game, most everyone knows eachother, but we do get new players fairly often. the downside to being "the bank" is that i am responsible for the money, and personally -- think it is wrong to, and won't, ask anyone or everyone to help compensate for any shortages - i'm collecting the money for every chip in play - and responsible for paying out for every chip cashed in. it sucks when it does happen(shortages), because sooner or later it will and does happen -- but be very methodical and careful, even though it slows down the cash-in/out process - and your chances of shortages is reduced to next to zero.
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