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Old 09-17-2005, 04:50 PM
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Default Re: Faith and Fear Displace Each Other

The idea that men are inherently evil is downright ignorant. Equally as ignorant is the belief that men are inherently good. Men are born men. They are a blank slate - a 'tablata rasa.' It is the choices a man makes that determine him as 'good' or 'evil.'

And yet these terms are ambiguous and vague. What exactly does 'good' mean? What does 'evil' mean? These words are connotations for either ends of a spectrum in a set of moral codes. But morality is not an absolute. Men are not born moral or immoral - they are born unmoral. Morality is a man-made invention and is adopted through one's culture. A man born and left for dead in the wild, never having encountered other humans, and somehow surviving, would have no concept of morality. He would act for the moment, for his immediate pleasure, for his immediate benefit, and would never consider his actions as either right or wrong. Those concepts would be foreign to him.

Men being born inherently anything is an ignorant claim. Saying so implies that their course of action has already been set for them, that their life is a sequence of events that has already been pre-determined, and that implies that men do not have free will. It implies pre-destination.

A man is in control of his own destiny through the choices given to him by free will.
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