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Old 12-01-2005, 01:05 PM
DarthIgnurnt DarthIgnurnt is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 131
Default Re: How does \'poker\' reflect on a resume?

I do a fair amount of hiring in the IT consulting space. Since I make a fair side income playing poker and recognize it as a legitimate profession, I would probably be ok with it (although not in all cases).

The average employer, however, will probably view this negatively ... especially for a management position, or a customer-facing one ... and yours sounds like both. Reality is that a lot of "professional gamblers" do fit the stereotypes and have qualities that an employer would not value. And even when you explain your clear understanding of EV, I doubt this would change their mind.

You only have a 6 month gap in your resume. I've seen gaps of a year, and in some cases several years on a resume.

It's certainly reasonable that you decided to take this time to spend with your family, work on your house, and look around for the next opportunity that best fit your long-term needs. You don't need to address your source of income over this time at all.

As to the notion of "if they react negatively about poker then you wouldn't want to work there anyway" ... I think that's a bit cavalier and short-sighted.

So ... IMO ... there's no reason to mention it at all. Address the gap in your resume generically (some suggestions above) and you'll avoid some of the unfair biases that exist.
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