Thread: airsoft
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Old 11-30-2005, 04:51 PM
MINETZ MINETZ is offline
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 43
Default Re: airsoft

Maybe it was my upbringing (hunting since I can remember, with guns always in the house), but I'm pretty offended by a product designed to allow you to "play" by shooting someone with a supposedly non-lethal pellet. Ive seen the size of the airsoft pellets and they could easily cause injury to someone who's not wearing protective eyewear. Pointing a gun at someone and firing is serious, and should be treated as such, regarless of weather or not theyre "likely" to be harmed.

BTW, I dont have a problem with the use of paintball guns, but am offended by the immature behavior of some paintball gun owners. A friend of mine lost his eyesight due to some one who didnt understand the first thing about firearm safty. It seems airsoft guns are designed strictly for this type of immature behavior. Paintball guns can be used responsibly and productively.

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This is wrong.. a lot of people do this for combat situations.. its very organized, a lot of the people in the club have actually been in real battle.
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