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Old 10-12-2005, 02:06 AM
nukemar25 nukemar25 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: SC
Posts: 31
Default Pay-Pro calls to verify second account.

I opened a second account on party tonight following the instructions an affiliate gave me. I deposited and was playing when I get an e-mail notice to contact Pay-Pro immediately to verify my account. After going through the usual address, birthdate confirmation crap he says, "I see you have two accounts with us." I scramble to think of an explanation that does not include mentioning rakeback. I confirm that I had an old account and he informs me I am only allowed to have one. I fake being surprised and nervously wait for the impending question of why I opened another account, but it never comes. He simply asked which account I wanted to close and then verified all of my info again. I thought I was off the hook when he starts asking me if I know some friends of mine who have played on my computer before. I verify that I do indeed know them. He then asked if he could help me with anything else and that was that. I still can't think of a good answer for opening a second account but it looks like for now they are turning a blind eye in hopes of getting back the skin players. I was particularly worried because my original account was directly through party and not an affiliate but I guess they are just glad to have me back. I just wanted to let people know what to expect if you try this. This seems to be the same line they were taking back when people were opening up acounts on all of the skins.
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