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Old 04-22-2005, 07:03 PM
UncleSalty UncleSalty is offline
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Default Re: I grow increasingly frustrated with the fact that...

I feel like there's a limit to the positive aspect of multiple callers. I'll take 3 or 4, but how can I expect my aces to win win unimproved if the whole table is in the hand?

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This thinking is dead wrong, and is a fundamental misunderstanding among many beginning players. Go read the FAQ sticky immediately, and take specific note of this quote:

How do I deal with all these loose players sucking out on me with terrible hands?
A common complaint is that the players are so bad that it actually prevents you from making money. New players often feel that if they could just go to a game where opponents "played more reasonable hands", "respected my raises", and "didn't chase all the way to the river" they would make more money. This whole notion (to quote SSH) is absurd. Poker is a game where you profit from the mistakes of your opponents. If your opponents make more mistakes you will make more money. Loose, passive limit Holdem games are highly profitable for this reason. It is as simple as that. Focus on winning the most money, not the most pots.

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